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Title: Cecil the lion and endangered species glow on the Empire State Building
Author: Unknown
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One of the most iconic symbols of metropolitan life brought a little nature to New York City Saturday night when filmmakers projected images...
One of the most iconic symbols of metropolitan life brought a little nature to New York City Saturday night when filmmakers projected images of endangered species on the Empire State Building.

Cecil the lion, whose death sparked international outrage, was included in the display along with eagles, leopards, monkeys and manta rays lighting up the Manhattan skyline.

Louie Psihoyos, director of the Oscar-winning film exploring dolphin hunting in JapanThe Cove, conceived this project, which serves as a companion to his upcoming documentary Racing Extinction airing on The Discovery Channel in December. More than 160 animals were featured, according to NBC New York.

"There's only 3,500 wild male lions out there. The gun lobby keeps them from being on the list but they are endangered," Psihoyos told NBC. "Cecil — I mean what a — at least there are other lions left. I've photographed some species where it's the last male of a species, like the Rabbs' Fringe-limbed tree frog."

The projection was the first of its kind on the classic skyscraper, taking up 33 floors.








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